The Sewanee Community Center is coordinating the community-wide yard sales
The registration form is available at the Community Center. Along with the form, a $15 registration fee is required. This fee will be used to print maps highlighting the sales that day, printing an official yard sign for your house, and placing advertisements in local papers including Sewanee, Manchester, Tullahoma, Monteagle, Winchester and other surrounding communities.
You can participate by either having a sale at your home (feel free to combine your efforts with a friend!) or join up with others at the Community Center. Maybe you don’t have many items for sale or would rather be in a larger group - you can reserve space inside the Center.
Deadline to register is April 20th.
If you have any questions please email Rachel Petropoulos at rpetropo@gmail.com
Click to Download the Yard Sale Registration 2018 Form